Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's a Keeper or I'm a Giver

We have this table that I (and by "I", I mean my husband) picked up for free from Craigslist.  It was 
ugly and it was heavy.  No matter, we wanted to use it as an art table and were happy that we didn't have to worry about getting paint, glue or glitter on it.  Then I decided to open a preschool and after school enrichment program at home, so we took that ugly table and painted it, cut the legs down to a child's table level.  It turned out so much better than we expected.  Sometimes we consider using it as a HUGE coffee table, but then my kids would be sitting on their chairs with no table and the state frowns upon it stays put in our classroom!  All this to say sometimes free stuff is awesome and you can totally score. 

But wait!  There's more.  I see an ad (again on craigslist) for another free table.  This time I think it's a gimmick because it's actually not hideous.  I ask beg hubs to come with me just in case it's some sort of kidnapping ring.  You know we middle aged housewives are all the rage in the world of people trafficking, also it might be heavy.  Well the couple seemed nice enough.  I don't think I would've been kidnapped, but I do think they were crazy for giving it away!  This is definitely a keeper...only I don't have a place for it and don't need it.

But just look at it!  It's so pretty.  I love the details on it.  I knew right away what I wanted to do with it and thought maybe (if I didn't find a place for it) I would sell it.

  Then I ran into my daughter at the mall.  I realized she's using a card table as her dining table, so now it's hers.  Or at least it will be when I'm done with it.  What can I say I'm a giver.  And this little beauty gets to stay in the family.

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