Friday, June 8, 2012

Give Me A Sign

I approach this whole Scarlett Ibis thing (hobby?) unlike anything else in my life.  There are no rights or wrongs.  There is are no deadlines, no expectations, no rules at all.  You'll often find that I'm working on several different projects at a time and not one of them is near completion.  For now that is EXACTLY the way I like it.  The rest of my life is structured around State Standards, age appropriateness, time, shoulds and should nots, what's best for the family and on and on and on.

So this, this is my haven.  The one place that I can do as I please...I mean really, really do exactly as I please.  So dear hubby, I did not mean to sound mean when I told you I could paint over paint that was still wet if that's what I felt like doing.  (Wow, that did sound bratty!)  It's just that I really could, because I will not be bound by rules.  It turned out great in the end, but if it hadn't, that would have been fine too.  (There was a small issue between hubby and I and appropriate paint drying times.  I'm happy to report that the man is a saint and all is right with the world)

So this week I worked on something different.  I made this:

I liked the way it turned out.  I did use stencils, which was fine for my first try at a sign.  Then I did something really crazy.  I sort of did a free hand piece.  Here is a peek at it.

This is a table I'm working on for my daughter.  It used to be brown.  She wanted me to do the chairs with a fabric that had strawberries on it, but I couldn't find anything that I liked, so I bought a striped fabric instead, but I wanted to add strawberries to the set somewhere.

I have to say, I'm really thrilled!  I drew the big strawberry on butcher paper and then cut it out and used it to stencil it to the table.  I did the leaves, vines and small strawberries free-hand.  Whew!  Stay tuned because I'm almost finished with the chairs and then I'll reveal the entire set.  Happy Friday!

Partying with:

My Repurposed Life

Miss Mustard Seed


  1. love your first stenciled sign. Great job on the strawberry and I love the no rules attitude!

