...whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. I was just fretting because here we are coming up on yet another Friday and I will have nothing to share. I'm slowly (ever so slowly) making progress on the dining table, but it's not reveal ready. Gosh even redoing furniture has it's own lingo! I thought of posting a picture of a dresser I repainted two years ago, but I don't have a before picture and as nice as it turned out you can't get the full impact without the before picture. This blog is all about the FULL IMPACT, so you'll never see the lovely dresser. So I'm sitting here, looking around the house and I'm thinking we redid the kitchen (about 5 years ago), nah. Then something catches my eye. Something I'm extremely proud of. Something the my husband and I worked on together, without bickering or getting on each others nerves. At least I don't remember him getting on my nerves and I certainly
won't confess don't remember getting on his nerves.
So here's the thing, we are urban farmers. If you image urban being a
smallish town in Oregon and by farmers, I mean we grow some veggies and
own a couple of chickens. Yes, sir we are living the dream. We brought
our chicks home and put them in a coop someone gave us. We were
extremely grateful but the coop had no area for them to roam. It really
was like a nesting box. Our issue is we have huge hawks and we afraid
of having the chicks roam around willy-nilly without cover. So we
headed to Home Depot and gather the materials. Really it was just a
bunch of 2x4's and some chicken wire. I chose cedar because it smelled
so good. We worked on this for two evenings and I must say, that while I
don't envy our hens, they do live in style!
We want to redo the nesting box. We are not happy with the way that
turned out. The plywood was too thin, so we covered it with an old wool
blanket. This keeps the rain and snow completely out of the box and
hopefully adds some warmth. Other than that, we are pretty proud of our
That brick is there to keep the racoons out. None have gotten in, but one morning I found something had tried to pry the door open. Not on my WATCH!!